INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) at Pathfinder – June 2024







ISSUANCE DATE: 20.06.2024

LAST BID RECEIPT DATE: 04.07.2024 @ 10.00am




IFB No. 2024/PI-TZ/RF0/G/001


Number Title







  • Introduction
  • Transaction/Financing.
  • Part I.
  • Definitions and Headings.
  • Bidding Costs.
  • Review of IFB.
  • Procurement Procedure: Competitive Bidding
  • Notification of Intention.
  • Form and Content of Bids.
  • Submission and Handling of Bids.
  • Evaluation of Bids.
  • Post-Tender or Iterative Negotiation.
  • Extension of Bid Validity Dates.
  • Rejection or Award.


ANNEX A.                          BID FORM


ANNEX B.                          SCOPE OF WORK SPECIFICATION




ANNEX D.                          CERTIFICATION



  • Introduction
  • Transaction/Financing. Pathfinder International (PI) invites prospective Suppliers to compete for a fixed-price quantity contract for the Printing of Promotional materials for m-mama project:


Please submit bids for the items specified to our office premises at our Dar es Salaam office in Masaki as described in Part II of this Invitation for Bids (IFB) No. 2024/PI-TZ/RFQ/G/001

  • Donor Guidelines and Policies.
  • The procedures followed by PI in making anyaward(s)and contract(s) resulting from this IFB, as well as the terms and conditions of such award(s) and contracts, will be based on the procedures set forth by our donor.
  • Prospective Suppliers are reminded that in preparing their bids they should take into account that funding by our donor carries a low risk of late or non payment. They should also note that a primary requisite of PI, and our donor is that maximum value for money is obtained. Whenever possible, bids are sought on a competitive basis, and all prices offered will be subject to detailed scrutiny and, possibly, negotiation, to ensure value for money is obtained.
  • Part I. This Part I, Bidding Instructions and Procedures, will not form part of any resulting award or contract.


It is intended solely for the information of prospective Suppliers.

  • Definitions and Headings. Terms used in this Part shall have the meanings specified in the Definitions clause of Part III, Terms and Conditions of Contract. Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, all time periods specified shall be consecutive calendar days. The term IFB is used throughout this IFB to refer to the entire document, including all attachments thereto. Any headings contained in the text of the IFB are for reference only, and do not alter, limit, or waive the content of the full provisions.
  • Bidding Costs. Prospective Suppliers are under no obligation to prepare or submit bids in response to this IFB and do so solely at their own risk and expense. PI or the indentor, do not undertake to reimburse any costs incurred therefore.
  • Review of IFB. Prospective Suppliers are solely responsible to examine carefully all of the terms and conditions of this IFB — including, but not limited to, this Part I, Bidding Instructions and Procedures, and to comply fully therewith. Failure to do so will be at the prospective Supplier’s risk and expense. Any patent ambiguities in the specifications or inconsistencies between or among the various provisions of the IFB shall be resolved against the Supplier if it fails to seek clarification of same prior to award.
  • All documents submitted in response to this IFB, as well as all correspondence in connection with the IFB, shall be in the English language.
  • Inquiries concerning this IFB and any return bid(s) must be submitted in writing, to be received sufficiently in advance of the Last Bid Receipt Date to permit a thorough and accurate response by PI. Such inquiries shall be sent by email, directed to Attention: Procurement Manager, Email: no later than 1st July 2024. PI is under no obligation to consider or respond to questions that are not received in a timely manner.
  • Procurement Procedure: Competitive Bidding
  • This IFB constitutes an invitation to prospective Suppliers to submit bids for the goods and services described herein. It consists of (1) Cover Page, (2) Table of Contents, (3) Part I, Bidding Instructions and Procedures, (4) Annex A, Bid Form, (5) Annex B, Scope of Work and specification, (6) Annex C, List of valid business registration documents, (7) Annex D, Certification. All of the foregoing are fully incorporated herein and form an integral part of this IFB.
  • Notification of Intention. Where possible, each prospective Supplier that receives a copy of this IFB must, as soon as possible, email its intention to bid or not to bid to PI, Attention: Procurement Manager, Email:
  • Form and Content of Bids.
  • All bids must be in writing, in the English language, and signed and dated by an authorized employee of the bidder(the original must be manually signed). Bidders must use the Bid Form provided in Annex A of this IFB. The Bid Form should be fully completed, with all the information required therein (Note: in case of a discrepancy between unit and total prices, the unit price shall govern, and the total will be corrected by multiplying the unit price by the specified quantity). The Bid Form combines technical and price bids in a single document. For mailed and hand delivered bids, the Bid Form, along with all other accompanying documents, must be presented as one original.
  • The bid validity period should be at least ninety (90)days following the Last Bid Receipt Date.
  • Submission and Handling of Bids.
  • Bids are to be delivered by hand delivery or courier. Please note that bids delivered via email will not be accepted. Hand delivered or couriered bids must be addressed and delivered to:


Pathfinder International

Plot No. 577A, House No. 02, Chole Road, Msasani Peninsula, Masaki,

P.0 BOX 77991, DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA Attention: Procurement Manager IFB No.: No. 2024/PI-TZ/RF0/G/001 Last Bid Receipt Date: 04th July 2024

  • In order to be considered, the original bid must be received at the above physical or email address no later than the Last Bid Receipt Date, which is defined as 04th July 2024 at 10.00am, (East African Daylight) time. Bidders are solely responsible to ensure the timely receipt of their bids. Bids received after the date and time required will generally not be considered unless no other bids are received.
  • Bids need to be sealed (bids should be placed in a sealed envelope): they will be opened in public on 04th July 2024 at 11.00am, (East African Daylight)timeat Pathfinder International Plot No. 577A, House No. 02, Chole Road, Msasani Peninsula, Masaki. Once received, they will be held secure and intact. Reasonable efforts will be made to protect them from loss or alteration.
  • Bids may not be altered, corrected, or withdrawn after the Last Bid Receipt Date, except that PI, at its sole discretion, may permit correction of arithmetic errors, transposition errors, or other clerical or minor mistakes, in cases in which PI deems that both the mistake and the intended bid can be established conclusively on the face of the bid. Other than the mistakes listed in the previous sentence, no mistakes alleged by a bidder after the Last Bid Receipt Date will be permitted to be corrected.
  • Evaluation of Bids.
  • Evaluation of bids submitted pursuant to this IFB will be carried out by PI.
  • In evaluating bids PI will seek the best value for money.
  • Subject to paragraph (b) above, bids will be initially evaluated as follows
Criterion Weight (%)
Price 60
Delivery timeline of the goods 20
Quality of the samples 15
Submission of valid business documents 5
Total Weight 100
Submission of valid business registration documents indicated in the Annex C is mandatory, failure to submit 




either of the documents will automatically lead to a disqualification.

For bidders with a delivery timeline of the consignment from 14-21 days will obtain full weight of 20 marks. All other bidders scores will decrease by 1%.

Samples with the best quality during evaluation with the committee will also obtain full weight of 15 marks. All other bidders scores will decrease by 1%.

  • Multiple awards may be made based upon the above evaluation.
  • PI may reject any bid that is not substantially responsive to the terms and conditions of the IFB. After initial evaluation in accordance with paragraph (b) and (c) above, PI will make an award decision based on a comprehensive judgment as to all factors deemed relevant to the standard specified in paragraph (b) above. Such factors may include, but are not limited to, proposal risk, quality standards assessments, and prospective Supplier past performance. PI reserves the right to make tradeoffs between or among pertinent factors and to balance strengths and weaknesses. The Supplier selected on the basis of comprehensive evaluation may or may not be the one receiving the highest score on the initial evaluation.
  • If at any time prior to award PI deems there to be a need for a significant modification to the terms and conditions of this IFB, PI will issue such a modification as a written IFB amendment to all competing bidders. No oral statement of any person shall in any manner be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any IFB term or condition, and no bidder shall rely on any such statement.
  • Post-Tender and Iterative Negotiation. PI reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to conduct post tender and/or iterative negotiations to the extent permitted or required by the applicable donor rules.
  • Extension of Bid Validity Dates. When necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, PI may request bidders, in writing, to extend the validity period of their bids. Subject to Section 2.6 above, a bidder agreeing to extend will not generally be permitted or required to modify its bid in any manner other than to extend it.
  • Rejection or Award, (a) PI is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part and to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason therefore and to Contract on any of the terms offered or on different terms. Circumstances in which rejection of all bids may occur include, without limitation, the following: (1) none of the bids is adequately responsive to the specifications, (2)there is evidence of insufficient competition, (3) the lowest bid exceeds the estimated value or funds available by a significant amount and cannot be reduced by negotiation, or (4) the specific donor funding designated for the award is not approved or received from the donor.

(b) PI will send a Notice of Award to the winning bidders).