Expert, Institutional Strengthening (m/f) at Enabel – April 2024


Expert, Institutional Strengthening (m/f) – Tanzania

Enabel  is the Belgian development agency. It implements Belgium’s  governmental cooperation. The agency  also  works  for other national and international donors. With its partners in Belgium and abroad,  Enabel  offers  solutions  to  address pressing global challenges  –  Climate Change, Urbanisation, Human Mobility, Peace and Security, Economic and Social Inequality  –  and  to promote  Global  Citizenship.  With  2,000  staff,  Enabel  manages about 170 projects in twenty countries,  in Belgium,  Africa  and the Middle East.


The Country Strategy for Enabel Bilateral Cooperation Program in Tanzania 2023-2027 was approved on 15th July 2022 by the Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation, with a planned duration of 5 years (2023-2027) and an overall budget of 25 million euros.

The general objective of the strategy has been defined as follows: “Young people especially young women, are empowered to thrive in a protective and gender-equal environment, to acquire education and skills, and to pursue decent work opportunities in Kigoma Region”. The specific objective further specifies: “Girls and young women (14 to 29 years), in targeted districts of Kigoma, are empowered, access multiple conducive learning pathways and enjoy decent and green employment and entrepreneurship”.

For the period 2023-2027, Enabel developed an integrated approach fully focused on girls and young women through three results areas of the same holistic intervention as defined below:

  • Result area 1 is focusing on secondary education for vulnerable youth with a special focus on girls.
  • Result area 2 is dedicated to skills development and entrepreneurship, with the ambition to increase opportunities for decent employment of young people, specifically women, through skills development, entrepreneurship promotion and business development support.

  • Result area 3 is focusing on supporting a protective and gender-equal environment. It will contribute to tackle the discriminatory social norms and structural barriers that girls and young women face in their family, in their community, in the educative and professional spheres, so that girls and young women benefit from the same chances to continue their education and seize increasing remunerative economic opportunities.


To get and keep more girls and boys in Kigoma in secondary education or VET-training, multiple demand-and supply-side barriers must be addressed, and investments made to address barriers that are unevenly affecting girls.

Gender-sensitive school environments consider the needs and preoccupations of girls at the age of adolescence and puberty. Hostels, a preferred solution that has been suggested by many stakeholders, do not only address the distance barrier, but they also reduce the risk of GBV on the way to/from schools and increase learning performance (because girls, in the absence of domestic duties, can invest more time in homework and study).

Once girls and women have the knowledge, skills and competences to start up their own businesses or enter the job market, employers, financial institutes, and other service providers involved, will be encouraged to provide opportunities and shape a conducive environment.

Women’s organisations, schools, training centres, private sector partners and Local Government have a systemic approach towards advancing gender rights.  They have developed and incorporated into their organizations the governance system, policies, tools, and practices needed to advocate for women’s empowerment in Kigoma and provide gender-responsive services.

Intervention concerned.

Result 1 – Girls and vulnerable boys (14-19 years), in targeted districts of Kigoma region, access and complete quality secondary education and training in safe and conducive environments

Result 2 – Young people, specifically young women, have increased access to decent and green employment.

Job description

The Expert, Institutional Strengthening will report to the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Expert. The role will play a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations, government bodies, or institutions. The candidate will work on institutional strengthening from a gender perspective. The primary responsibility will be to provide strategic guidance, technical expertise, and capacity-building support to foster institutional development and growth, incorporating equal rights and opportunities in the sustainable growth strategies and operations. This role requires a deep understanding of organizational dynamics, governance structures, and best practices in institutional strengthening.

Specific results areas: 

  • Strategic planning: Collaborate with senior management or stakeholders from Local government, schools, training centers, women’s organizations, private sector partners to develop strategic plans for institutional strengthening initiatives applying a gender perspective. Analyze organizational goals, challenges, and gaps to identify areas for improvement. Formulate actionable strategies and roadmaps to enhance the overall performance and resilience of the institutions.
  • Organizational development: Conduct organizational assessments and diagnostic studies to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Advice on the establishment or refinement of policies, procedures, and governance structures to promote performance management.
  • Operational planning: Facilitate gender mainstreaming in organizational development through gender analysis, planning in support of the Local Administration (regional, district level), and initiation of the development of relevant action plans in alignment with the national priorities supporting localization of gender responsive actions in the areas of the cooperation programme.
  • Change management: Support Local Government, women’s organisations, schools, training centres, private sector partners in data driven transformations in organization and services. This includes developing and incorporating into their organizations the governance system, policies, tools, and practices needed to advocate for women’s empowerment in Kigoma and provide gender-responsive services.
  • Advocacy: Women’s organisations, schools, training centres, private sector partners and Local Government have the information, knowledge and skills needed to advocate for women’s empowerment in Kigoma and provide gender responsive services.
  • Coordinated action: Strengthen the capacity of and coordination between local women’s organisations and gender advocates, in addition to reinforcing the linkages at the national level for advocacy purposes.
  • Organise coordination and advocacy platforms between Local Government, civil society, private sector on gender equality.
  • Develop and implement training component relevant for the partners and support implementation.
  • Support Kigoma gender assessment and contribute to integration of gender equality in the Kigoma region and targeted district planning documents. Organises conferences and workshops related to gender issues, including institutionalisation, as needed.
  • Support analysis of local government budgets in regard to gender equality and advice the planning and budgeting department.

Expectations of the Function

  • Facilitates organizational development and institutional strengthening processes, in a systemic way, and fostering transition tracking among key staff.
  • Supports women’s organisations, schools, training centres, private sector partners and Local Government in developing and incorporating gender responsive budgeting and mainstreaming into their organizations the governance system, policies, tools, and practices needed to advocate for women’s empowerment in Kigoma and provide gender-responsive services.
  • Keeps strong relationships with local civil society organisations and facilitates communication between the civil society and the government when needed.
  • Helps Local Government Authority to better understand their responsibilities regarding gender mainstreaming and gender responsive budgeting.
  • Keeps abreast of latest development regarding gender equality and gender responsive budgeting, and links with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Gender, Community Development, Women and Special Groups.
  • Client oriented and work in close collaboration with the Local Administration to understand their needs and demands.

Contextual factors impacting the function: 

  • The position is based in Kigoma with frequent interaction with the regional administration (gender desk), and travels to the districts. To ensure synergies with Enabel Cooperation Programme, the expert in institutional strengthening – can be requested to work at the Regional Administration Office in Kigoma (up to 30% of their time).

Your profile

  • Tanzanian National

Academic Qualification & Specific competencies required.

  • Master’s degree in social studies (gender studies, sociology, anthropology), law, business administration or economics or any other relevant area.
  • Organizational Development Practitioner with at least five years’ experience in supporting partners and government agencies in organizational development and institutional strengthening, including the incorporation of gender in their plans, policies, strategies, and tools.
  • Proven experience in change management
  • Proven experience in implementing gender transformative programs with strong focus on coordination and provision of technical support.
  • Proven experience on gender in institutional development
  • Proven experience on designing and facilitation of training, workshop and seminars on gender equality, gender and development, and other related fields.

Specific competencies or knowledge considered an asset:

  • Specific expertise on gender responsive budgeting and planning
  • Specific expertise on institutional performance monitoring
  • Specific experience and expertise on Gender Transformative Monitoring Evaluation and Learning
  • Knowledge of and familiarity with the Tanzanian Women Rights movement.


  • Fluency in written and spoken English

Applicants are also required to commit to the vision, mission, and values of Enabel: Enabel’s Vision, Mission & Values

We offer you

  • A fascinating job in an international environment.
  • A specific period contract of 42 months.
  • Estimated Start Date: 01/07/2024.
  • You will be based in Kigoma, with frequent travels within the targeted districts of the region and, on occasions, to Dar es Salaam for meetings with implementing partners.
  • You are employed by Enabel in the function of “Sector & Thematics Expert”. A salary package that comprises the monthly gross salary, in accordance with our salary scales (Class 6), and more benefits such as health care insurance, 13th month, holiday allowance and if applicable dependants school fees allowance.
  • Relevant recognized experience for the function will be valorised.

Are you interested?

Apply HERE with  an  application  letter and your updated CV, at the latest by 09 May 2024.

Only applications that are registered here via our on-line portal will be considered

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