Request For Consultancy Service at Swisscontact – June 2024


Request For Consultancy Service

Request For Consultancy Service For Local
Labour Market And Employment
Opportunities Assessment

Background and Context

The Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) project is a 12-year project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The current, second phase of SET started on 1 July 2022 and will end on 30 June 2026.The overall project goal for SET across all phases is: “Improve the prospects of gainful youth (self) employment through a contribution to improved access, relevance, and quality of Vocational Skills Development (VSD)”.

The three project outcomes for the second phase are as follows:

Outcome 1 (Relevance): Improved collection and analysis of labor market and skills needs, involving private sector, workplace practitioners and other labor market stakeholders, leading to improved, relevant and flexible VSD curricula.

Outcome 2 (Quality): Improved motivation and adaptive teaching techniques and teaching environment allows for improved delivery of non-formal and formal programs and training throughout the network of Folk Development Colleges(FDCs).

Outcome 3 (Access): Increased access of youth, and young mothers, to relevant non-formal VSD.

Currently, SET is looking for an individual consultant to lead and guide a team of local NGO and public training provider representatives in further designing and implementing a pilot local labour market and employment opportunity assessment for one selected economic hub in Morogoro region.