Invitation For Bids at International School of Tanganyika (IST)- May 2024



Bids are invited from interested registered, competent, reliable and licensed suppliers/dealers to provide the under listed goods and services for the year ending 31st July 2025.

S/N Category No. Description
1. Category 01 Maintenance Materials
2. Category 02 Consumables and Cleaning Materials
3. Category 03 Stationeries
4. Category 04 Staff Welfare SuppliesfSugar, Tea, Coffee & Milk Powder)
5. Category 05 Timber
6. Category 06 Electrical Appliances (Fridges, Cookers & Air-conditions)
7. Category 07 Motor Vehicle spare parts, Oil & Filters



Submit Your Application

  • Bid document(s) will be emailed to the bidders on payment of TZS. 50,000/= payable per bid category. Payments should be made to the Billing Department located in the Administration Building (Gate #5), off United Nations Road, Upanga, between 10.00 am to 1.00 pm Monday to Friday. Bidders will need to provide the School with the email ID at the time of making payment. Once payment has been received, bid documents will be emailed by the following working day.
  • Bids should be emailed to latest by 2 p.m. on Friday, May 17th, 2024. No bids will be accepted after this time. In addition, bidders should attach scanned copies of certificates of registration, business license, TIN/VAT certificates and User Identification Number certificate (for VAT registered suppliers). On submission of the information, the bidders would receive a confirmation that 1ST has successfully received their bids.
  • The School is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to reject all or any of the bids received.