Terms of Reference (ToR) at World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – May 2024


Terms of Reference (ToR)


WWF Tanzania Country Office (WWFTCO) is the international conservation organi­zation and well-integrated into the national conservation setting and deploys its human and financial resources to deliver impactful conservation in an effective and efficient manner. The organization’s vision is to ensure the natural wealth and biodiversity of the country is sustained, supporting the well-being of local communities and national economic development. WWF TOO through Marine Programme is currently implementing a project titled “Mangrove Management for Climate Risk Resilience and Improved Livelihoods” funded by the Norwegian NORAD and regionally implemented in Tanzania, Mozambique, and Madagascar. In Tanzania the project is specifically implemented in the RUMAKI Plus Seascape in Kibiti district (Mchungu and Msindaji villages), Mafia district (Jimbo and Kanga villages) and Kilwa district (Somanga and Malendego villages). Through this project WWF-Tanzania aims to develop sustainable community-led enterprises and business that support coastal communities beyond the project duration. This is based on the need to ensure sufficient management capacity, incentives, and financial sustainability which will be appropriate to the mangrove community’s prosperity.

The project seeks a consultant(s) to develop business models for climate-in- formed community-led seaweed enterprises, with a specific focus on existing entrepreneurial initiatives in the RUMAKI Seascape. The aim is to enhance the economic viability of the seaweed industry, improve the financial sustainability of seaweed farmers and entrepreneurs, and maximize the economic benefits derived from the industry.

Submit Your Application

Interested applicants may get the detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) and specifi­cations through the following websites:


All applicants should direct their soft copy of application to the procurement: e-mail at procurement@wwftz.org and or hard copy applications to the address indicated above. Deadline for submission is 14th May 2024,10AM – EAT.

WWF TOO reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason. Late application shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstance.

WWF has a principle of zero-tolerance to fraud and corruption, if you encounter such incident, report by sending an email to fcci@wwftz.org.

Only successful applicant will be contacted.