Terms of Reference (ToR) at THPS ( March 2024) : Open Jobs


Terms of Reference (ToR)

THPS Strategic Plan (SP) 2021-2025 Mid Term Evaluation






  1. Background and Context

Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS) is an indigenous non-governmental organization (NGO) established under the NGO Act No. 24 of 2002 in 2011. THPS works in partnership with the Government of Tanzania through Ministries of Health (M0H) in Mainland and Zanzibar; Ministry of Gender, Youth, Elderly and Special groups; Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children in Zanzibar (M0CDGEC); Regional Administration and Local Government (P0RALG), and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) with a goal of ensuring accessible high-quality health care services to Tanzanians; through strengthening of health and community systems. Currently, THPS works to address the following public health burdens: HIV/AIDS; Tuberculosis; prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) and violence against children; reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health (RMNHCAH) services; laboratory and health management information systems (HIMS), COVID-19 prevention, research and public health evaluations. THPS has evolved through a participatory approach, reflected in its second strategic plan (2021-2025). This mid-term evaluation is crucial to assess interim progress of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), learn from experiences, and optimize future implementation.

  • Purpose of THPS 2021-2025 Strategic Plan

The second strategic plan (SP) aims to build on the transitional first plan, addressing THPS institutional capacity, health services delivery, strengthening of health and community systems and monitoring and evaluation. These priority areas clearly spell; who we are, what we do, how we do, and how we measure what we do. Given the evolving health landscape, THPS continually adapts its services to align with Government of Tanzania (GOT) changing needs and priorities. There has been more focus on increasing THPS visibility and reputation through promoting and building partnerships, while operating within National frameworks and documents. This mid-term review provides an opportunity to evaluate progress, identify lessons learned, and refine strategies for the remaining period.

  • Purpose of Mid-Term Evaluation of THPS 2021-2025

Strategic Plan

The mid-term evaluation spans January 2021 to September 2023, focusing on the SP’s implementation, progress, challenges, and best practices. Key objectives include improving efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, and input into SP implementation, providing progress feedback to stakeholders, and ensuring accountability for achieved results.

  1. General Objectives of THPS SP Mid-Term Evaluation
  2. Provide feedback on progress towards Strategic Plan implementation and attainment of expected outcomes
  3. Identify areas for THPS to improve efficiency, effectiveness, relevance, and impact towards achieving its objectives
  • Ensure accountability for achieved results
  1. Assess the relevance of the current THPS Strategic Plan for the remaining period
  2. SP Mid-Term Evaluation Expected Results
  3. Create an enabling environment for effective SP implementation
  4. Enhance THPS management’s capacity to achieve SP objectives
  • Identify implementation gaps and recommend improvements
  1. Ensure SP remains relevant in the current context Scope of the Evaluation

The mid-term evaluation will assess implementation effectiveness, modalities, coordination, partnerships, institutional strengthening, and beneficiary participation. It will review strategic plan design, implementation problems, initiative effectiveness, progress towards objectives, opportunities for modification, and factors affecting the successful implementation of SP.

  1. Evaluation Questions

Key questions and tasks guiding the mid-term evaluation include relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and the SP’s contribution to THPS goals.

  • Relevance:
  1. Are there particular issues or problems in the design of the strategic plan, implementation, and management?
  2. Verify various aspects of the strategic plan under the implementation to find out whether the relevance of the objectives remains valid.
  • Identify the factors that affect or might affect the successful implementation of all objectives of the SP.
  1. Was the strategy adopted to address inputs identified, realistic, appropriate and adequate for achievement of the results?
    • Effectiveness:
  2. Evaluate initiatives that demonstrated effective output and outcomes.
  3. Establish the degree to which planned results or targets are being achieved and identify areas that require improvements.
  • Assess whether the remaining unachieved SP outcomes can be achieved and recommend the best ways to achieve them.
    • Efficiency:
  1. Are the process of achieving results efficient? Specifically did the actual or expected results (outputs and outcomes) justify the costs incurred?

Were the resources effectively utilized?

  1. What factors are contributing to implementation efficiency?
  • Assess the continuation of relevant interventions and progress made toward achieving its planned objectives.
  1. Identify the opportunities to be modified to ensure the achievement of the unachieved objectives within the lifetime of the strategic plan.
  2. How efficient are the management and accountability structures of the strategy?
  3. How did the programme financial management processes and procedures affect strategic plan implementation?
  • What are the strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities            and threats of the SP

implementation process?

  • Sustainability:
  1. Review and evaluate what has been achieved to identify future opportunities for THPS.
  2. Obtain objective feedback on THPS work starting

January, 2021 from a broad range of stakeholders (recipients of care, civil society, healthcare providers, community health workers, implementing  partners, local                               government

authorities, key ministries, departments, and agencies(MDAs), donors.

  • What are the key factors that will require attention to improve prospects of sustainability of the program results and the potential for replication of the approach?
  1. How are capacities strengthened at the individual, THPS as an institution and partners working with (including contributing factors and constraints)?
  2. Methodology

The methodology includes interviews, focus groups, document reviews, stakeholder consultations, social media reviews, and field visits. The consultants will be provided with information and given the necessary working documents for reference.

  1. Expected Deliverables
  2. Inception report within 10 working days after signing of the contract
  3. Draft Mid-Term Evaluation Report and Evaluation Summary within two weeks after evaluation completion
  • Final Midterm Evaluation Reports incorporating stakeholder comments (not exceed 80 pages)
  1. Timelines for Evaluation Process

The evaluation will be conducted for an estimated 30 working days upon approval of the inception report.

  1. Required Qualification for Consultancy
  2. A Firm or individuals with a proven track records and significant experience in conducting Local and International Strategic Plan reviews
  3. At least 10 years of experience in working with international organizations and donors
  • Extensive experience of programme formulation, monitoring and evaluation
  1. Experience in evaluating similar activity and industry
  2. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
  3. Selection Criteria for Consultant

The selection criteria include educational background of deployed human resources, expertise, overall methodology, experience, and language fluency.

The technical proposal will be evaluated at 70%, while the financial proposal will be evaluated at 30%. Only successful in technical proposal after review process will be qualified to next step of financial proposal.

  1. Application Procedure

Applicants are required to submit the following:

  1. A technical Proposal: Signed letter of Interest, stating why you consider your services suitable for the assignment and a brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment and the crew composition.
  2. Personal CVs of technical personnel proposed for this project highlighting qualifications and experience in similar projects;
  • Work reference – contact details of the firms you’ve produced similar assignments.
  1. Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses (Unit price together with any other expenses) related to the assignment;

For Firms, the following MUST be submitted:

  1. Valid copy of business Licence.
  2. Valid copy of certificate of incorporation as a company registered in Tanzania.
  • Valid copy of tax registration certificate (Indicating TIN and VAT Number).
  1. Valid copy of Tax clearance certificate.
  2. Evidence that a company issues EFD receipt during issuing tax invoices.
  3. Accurate Physical, Postal, telephone and email address of the firm.
  4. Expressions of Interest.

The expressions of interest must be submitted no later than 13th March 2024 at 2:00 pm, with the heading: “THPS Strategic Plan (SP) 2021-2025 Mid Term Evaluation”

All Bids must be sent through our email: tenders@thps.or.tz

If you do not hear from us by 29th March 2024, consider your application unsuccessful.